You want to get serious about your fitness? Take the Challenge! You want to melt the fat off your body? Take the Challenge! You want to increase your strength endurance, power and anaerobic conditioning. Take the Challenge!
Few movements hit as many muscle groups and deliver such and intense cardiovascular workout. Basically combining a squat, a push up and a vertical leap. Think about how much energy it takes to move your body over such a large distance. Take the challenge and you will know what I am talking about. What is the Challenge ?
100 Burpees for time:
Today I took the challenge for the second time in as many months. Today I set a new PR. 100 Burpees in 4:53 taking nearly two full minutes off my time. My previous time was 6:51
This is a workout that will not cost you a dollar. You can perform burpees just about anywhere. At the beach, a hotel room, the park on a lunch break or your living room floor, This fantastic body weight exercise can be used in a variety of different ways to get you in unbelievable shape. The different variations are endless.
Burpees with a pull up
2 to 1 Burpees
Burpee box jumps
Flying burpees
Split burpees Sick Bluh!
Burpee med ball cleans
Dumbbell burpees / finish in a snatch
Burpee knees to elbows
Burpee power cleans
The inverted burpee
Bear crawl burpees
Handstand burpees
Sprint burpees
You can add a few burpees at the end of each set of exercise you perform, for example sprint 100 meters immediately do 10 burpees. How about a personal favorite. Perform 15 squats( Over head, Front or Back) with your body weight on the bar followed by 25 burpees. repeat 5 times Keep a trash can close by for pukie. 4 rounds of 25 burpees, 25 pull ups 25 squats, 25 sit ups Tabata Burpees , 8 rounds of 20secs work 10 secs rest. Try any variation from above. The combinations are endless.
Other Challenges for time
50 burpees
100 burpees
150 burpees
200 burpees
300 burpees
40 burpees a day for 100 days Sick, Bluh!
Among the bodyweight exercises, burpees are my favorite. When i first tried it out, I was gassed out by the 50th rep. It's a great full body workout.