Dead lifts are a highly effective muscle-building exercise. The Dead lift is a compound exercise that utilizes several large muscle groups. This is a good thing, the more muscle we use when training the more we speed up the metabolism and essentially burn more fat. A response you can not achieve performing isolation exercises such as the biceps curls or sitting on the leg extension machine. The Dead lift when done correctly will improve grip strength, make you speedier, more powerful, leaner and more energetic. A strong Dead lift can make an awkward 50 lb box more manageable.
Today I performed several sets with low weights of the Dead lift. Focusing on strict form and maintaining a rigid lumbar spine.
Work sets were 3 x 25 of strict , strong Dead lifts.
Followed by
3X 15 reverse hypers
Plank alternating foot on medicine ball 3@ x 30sec
Shopping for groceries today. Can sometimes be a little tricky here in Norway. I just do not have the same options as back home. I did come up with some good stuff today however. My list included
1 kg Brussels sprouts
2 red peppers
3 large zucchini
500 g of fresh green beans
3 red onions
500g of asparagus
2 kg sweet potatoes
1 kg tomatoes
1 avocado
2 sticks of broccoli
1 cauliflower
Fresh mushrooms
1 large Eggplant
2 large cucumbers
2 cartons of Kidney bean
3 apples
2 kg oranges
36 eggs
4 salmon fillets
2 kgs of Chicken breast
Peanut butter , love the stuff.
Tortilla's probably the only starches I will consume on a regular basis. I have a thing for breakfast burritos.
So for lunch I cooked 5 chicken breasts in the oven. Because I like to cook enough food for a couple days. Saves time that way I always have good healthy food available. I will never get caught with out food and be forced to eat shit food. I can take the extras to work, or have the left overs as a quick snack. I also had a great artichoke,zucchini and green bean salad with the chicken. I think about 1 cup of each ,maybe a little more of zucchini. Saute the vegetables in olive oil for a few minutes add a little salt and oregano for flavor and eat with the chicken. Delicious! For breakfast I went with a protein shake. Classic chocolate protein powder mixed in the blender with 1/4 cup oatmeal ,a handful of blueberries and a little peanut butter. My favorite shake. Dinner:: Two left over chicken breasts , 2 oranges, 1 apple and 1 pear. This was more like a continuous dining experience that lasted for an hour. While I was working I just kept eating away. I was very hungry when I got off from work believe it or not so I cooked up four eggs ( 2 whole,2 white) with a little salsa.
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