Spinach and other green vegetables
Superpowers :: Neutralizing free radicals (molecules that accelerate the aging process)
Secret weapons :: Vitamins including A, C, and K; folate; beta-carotene; minerals including calcium and magnesium; fiber
Fight against :: Cancer, heart disease, stroke, obesity, osteoporosis
Sidekicks :: Cruciferous vegetables( the cabbage family) like broccoli and brussels sprouts; green, yellow, red, and orange vegetables such as asparagus, peppers, and yellow beans
Impostors :: None, as long as you don't fry them or smother them in fatty cheese sauces
I usually eat spinach in the morning cooked with my scrambled eggs. However I have been known to make a salad or two.
1 cup of Red Bell peppers has twice as much vitamin C as one orange. Broccoli goes great with every meal, not bad as a snack either.
Breakfast:: 2 whole eggs w/ 4 egg whites scrambled, 1 apple ,1 orange, and about 20 almonds
Lunch:; 125 g of smoked salmon with avocado and a pear
Snack:: 100 g 4% fat smoked ham with a slice of non fat cheese 1 apple hand full of blue berries and about 15 almonds.
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