Complete as many rounds in twenty minutes as you can of:
2 Muscle-ups
4 Handstand Push-ups
8 2-Pood Kettlebell swings
I subbed a 32kg dumbbell for the kettlebell swings.
16 rounds with 8 secs left. Not an ounce of energy left for anything more. Laid on the floor for what seemed like forever but was only 10 minutes. This is a very hard workout. I tried to strategize too much in this wod. I was holding back in the beginning. once I hit ten rounds I started to sprint and really push my self. I think back now if i had a little stronger pace in the beginning I could have done more. I think in the future 20 rounds is well with in my grasp. Probably will not have a go at this again for a long, long , long time.
Overall I am feeling really good. I have tons of energy and mental focus. I have been pretty consistent with my eating habits. Eating about 5 times a day. I have eliminated dairy from my diet , more out of curiosity than anything. I love milk and I just want to see what effects this change in my diet will have on my performance. The most important change overall that I have made is the amount of vegetables that I am eating. I am eating loads of veggies with every meal virtually eliminating all grains , starches from my diet. I guess you could say that I have gone "Paleo" , but with a strict adherence to the "Zone" . We all know that broccoli is good for us, but how much. How many grams of carbohydrates are in a cup of broccoli or 2 cups. What is the optimal ratio of carbs to protein , It will be different for everyone depending on you BMI and your activity level. Once you figure this out measuring your food is an acquired skill. One that becomes pretty much mastered with time. I mean how many times can you chop a tomato and measure 1 cup before you are consistently aware of the size of the tomato it will take to do this task . Like wise with broccoli and or any other green vegetable or fruit.
Another issue that I need to get a grasp on soon is my sleep pattern. I am sleeping between 5 and 10 hours a day. so inconsistent. Sometimes I can't or don't want to sleep preferring instead to stay up until 3 am and this ruins my energy levels and ambitions. Then I sleep the following days away practically wasting the precious little time I have in this great world. I know for certain that I drink entirely way too much coffee, I am living in a country where the black coffee is definitely apart of their culture and it is the bottom less cup version as well. Here in Scandinavia they will just set out a thermos and or pot and you can drink as much as you would like. I am just not ready to eliminate this libation from my life just yet. Who knows maybe by the time I leave Scandinavia I will be utterly sick of it. Or not.
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