Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Active Rest Day and the great milk debate

Today I went skiing for several hours. It felt great to be outside all day in the mountains of Norway getting some fresh air and good exercise with good friends.
We all have different reasons why we eat healthy and why we exercise daily. Some of us want to look good, others want to feel
good, many of us want to perform good. For many years now I have lived by this simple philosophy, If you look good you will feel good and if you feel good you will do good.
I have friends who ask me what they have to do to get ripped. How long will it take to get ripped. I just want to be ripped they say . In addition to any nutrition or exercise advice I may be able share I am always trying to communicate with everyone that the way we look is a bi product of what we do and how we eat. What we do ! I know what we are supposed to do . I know we as humans are supposed to lift heavy stuff. I know we are designed to sprint. I also know that we don't have to do these things any longer , not with modern lifestyles and technology . We as humans don't have to bend over to put our shoes on correctly because someone has invented a little stick that you can place in the heel as you slide your shoe on to make it fit just right. We don't have to walk up stairs because we have elevators and escalators . We no longer have to sprint to catch our food or scavenge because we have cars and supermarkets and restaurants that will do it for us. Just because we no longer have to do these things doesn't mean we shouldn't.
What we eat is becoming one of those topics like religion or politics that I am becoming more and more reluctant to talk about and share ideas about. What we eat is also something that I am really passionate about so I can and will talk forever about what I believe is right and wrong with anyone who will listen. I am not a hypocrite. I eat pizza and drink beer. I do try to keep these indulgences to a minimum. Because I want to look good , feel good and do good in all my physical capabilities.
According to the Paleo experts , cave men did not eat beans because they are toxic in their natural state. However we now know that if you boil beans you can eliminate the toxins in beans leaving a very nutritious eating. Dairy products are another sensitive topic among food experts. Loaded with Calcium, vitamins A and B12, riboflavin, phosphorus, potassium, however we can get much more of these essential elements from green vegetables.
I have encountered many people who tell me that dairy is not something that we as humans are supposed to consume. The debate comes in many different forms. I do know that if weight loss is something you are after the only thing you should drink is water and maybe a little green tea. Myself I drink milk everyday for many reasons. I eat cheese a couple times a week. Used to be a hell of allot more. Not sure exactly why I eat less cheese as I get older. I just do not enjoy it as much. Milk on the other hand I love. I do not drink as much milk as I used to but I still drink loads of the stuff always non fat milk. I lived and worked on a dairy farm in Sweden for several months consuming raw milk everyday. I love the way it tastes. I also love to perform at my best whether I am skiing , playing basketball , sprinting or lifting heavy weights. I want to try to live with out it for a little while to see how my body responds to this.
Do you think milk is good or bad ? Post your thoughts to comments.

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