I got loads of sleep last night. I felt really rested when I woke up this morning. I also felt tremendous soreness through out my entire body. I decided to do just 30 minutes of low intensity running. I suppose this is more of an active rest day more than anything.
Yesterday I ate loads of food again. My apatite is through the roof at the moment. I can not go more than three hours with out an intense desire to eat everything in front of me. I am smart though , I have been planning on this and I have been bringing a shopping bag full of food to work with me so I don't break down and devour pizzas or any of the other crap we have lying around.
I subbed a 32kg dumbbell for the kettlebell swings.
16 rounds with 8 secs left. Not an ounce of energy left for anything more. Laid on the floor for what seemed like forever but was only 10 minutes. This is a very hard workout. I tried to strategize too much in this wod. I was holding back in the beginning. once I hit ten rounds I started to sprint and really push my self. I think back now if i had a little stronger pace in the beginning I could have done more. I think in the future 20 rounds is well with in my grasp. Probably will not have a go at this again for a long, long , long time.
Overall I am feeling really good. I have tons of energy and mental focus. I have been pretty consistent with my eating habits. Eating about 5 times a day. I have eliminated dairy from my diet , more out of curiosity than anything. I love milk and I just want to see what effects this change in my diet will have on my performance. The most important change overall that I have made is the amount of vegetables that I am eating. I am eating loads of veggies with every meal virtually eliminating all grains , starches from my diet. I guess you could say that I have gone "Paleo" , but with a strict adherence to the "Zone" . We all know that broccoli is good for us, but how much. How many grams of carbohydrates are in a cup of broccoli or 2 cups. What is the optimal ratio of carbs to protein , It will be different for everyone depending on you BMI and your activity level. Once you figure this out measuring your food is an acquired skill. One that becomes pretty much mastered with time. I mean how many times can you chop a tomato and measure 1 cup before you are consistently aware of the size of the tomato it will take to do this task . Like wise with broccoli and or any other green vegetable or fruit. Another issue that I need to get a grasp on soon is my sleep pattern. I am sleeping between 5 and 10 hours a day. so inconsistent. Sometimes I can't or don't want to sleep preferring instead to stay up until 3 am and this ruins my energy levels and ambitions. Then I sleep the following days away practically wasting the precious little time I have in this great world. I know for certain that I drink entirely way too much coffee, I am living in a country where the black coffee is definitely apart of their culture and it is the bottom less cup version as well. Here in Scandinavia they will just set out a thermos and or pot and you can drink as much as you would like. I am just not ready to eliminate this libation from my life just yet. Who knows maybe by the time I leave Scandinavia I will be utterly sick of it. Or not.
Today I felt a little sore from the 100 burpees , but I am still pretty psyched that I finished in less than five minutes. I still think I can do better , but for the moment I am satisfied. How about 100 unbroken burpees? or maybe I will go for the 300 club. I have done 255 before , but in a very random 20 min pattern. If you are interested in a very sick cardio workout that lasts longer than 100 burpees check out crossfitomaha.com
In my core class tonight we did the following Movement prep: Hip Crossover Calf stretch Inverted Hamstring Lunge with a twist
followed by
3 rounds of T push ups 10 Reverse Hypers 20
Rest 2 min
3 rounds of Renegade rows 10 20 Sit ups 20
Todays food I have been so hungry all day today . I couldnt figure out if I have just been actually hungry or if I have had an off ratio of Carbs to protein. Either way I ate loads of food today . Breakfast 6 Eggs ( 2 whole,4white) 1/4 cup Oatmeal with 20 raisins and a spoonful of peanut butter Lunch 6 oz baked chicken breast with two oranges and an apple Snack 6 oz Ny Strip, with 2 cups Broccoli and 1 cup Brussels sprouts Dinner 6 oz Baked chicken breast and a killer Eggplant , green beens and artichoke salad. I munched on several different fruits all day , oranges, apples and such. Almonds. I ate , in my opinion some pretty decent food but probably a little too much , but damn I was hungry all day today .
You want to get serious about your fitness? Take the Challenge! You want to melt the fat off your body? Take the Challenge! You want to increase your strength endurance, power and anaerobic conditioning. Take the Challenge!
Burpees Few movements hit as many muscle groups and deliver such and intense cardiovascular workout. Basically combining a squat, a push up and a vertical leap. Think about how much energy it takes to move your body over such a large distance. Take the challenge and you will know what I am talking about. What is the Challenge ?
100 Burpees for time:
Today I took the challenge for the second time in as many months. Today I set a new PR. 100 Burpees in 4:53 taking nearly two full minutes off my time. My previous time was 6:51
This is a workout that will not cost you a dollar. You can perform burpees just about anywhere. At the beach, a hotel room, the park on a lunch break or your living room floor, This fantastic body weight exercise can be used in a variety of different ways to get you in unbelievable shape. The different variations are endless.
Burpees Burpees with a pull up 2 to 1 Burpees Burpee box jumps Flying burpees Split burpees Sick Bluh! Burpee med ball cleans Dumbbell burpees / finish in a snatch Burpee knees to elbows Burpee power cleans The inverted burpee Bear crawl burpees Handstand burpees Sprint burpees You can add a few burpees at the end of each set of exercise you perform, for example sprint 100 meters immediately do 10 burpees. How about a personal favorite. Perform 15 squats( Over head, Front or Back) with your body weight on the bar followed by 25 burpees. repeat 5 times Keep a trash can close by for pukie. 4 rounds of 25 burpees, 25 pull ups 25 squats, 25 sit ups Tabata Burpees , 8 rounds of 20secs work 10 secs rest. Try any variation from above. The combinations are endless.
Other Challenges for time 50 burpees 100 burpees 150 burpees 200 burpees 300 burpees 40 burpees a day for 100 days Sick, Bluh!
I live in Trysilfjellet Norway. A small ski town on a big mountain. I actually live on the mountain itself. So I have plenty of hills to run up. I do not do it as much as I would like to mostly because the temp is almost always around -20 C . Today however was -13 C. Just warm enough to do some sprints outside. So I strapped on my weighted vest , which weighs about 20lbs, put some warm clothes on and went outside for some sprints. The work set was 5 X 250 meters sprint rest as needed. I could get to the top in just about 1 min. I would take my time to walk back to the bottom because it is icy outside today. Usually took me just under three minutes to get back down the hill. Which I would immediately take off back up the hill. Besides the vest making this little workout very challenging the hill is very icy so my feet were slipping on every step on the steepest parts. This was very taxing in the legs. Just keep swinging the arms and moving the legs to get to the top. After this I did 50 toes to bar hanging under my neighbors porch. I managed 30 before stopping, then 10 and 10 . Strict no kipping. Todays is sunny and beautiful and this little workout gave me some extra energy so I am going to finish the day out in the slopes.
Dead lifts are a highly effective muscle-building exercise. The Dead lift is a compound exercise that utilizes several large muscle groups. This is a good thing, the more muscle we use when training the more we speed up the metabolism and essentially burn more fat. A response you can not achieve performing isolation exercises such as the biceps curls or sitting on the leg extension machine. The Dead lift when done correctly will improve grip strength, make you speedier, more powerful, leaner and more energetic. A strong Dead lift can make an awkward 50 lb box more manageable.
Today I performed several sets with low weights of the Dead lift. Focusing on strict form and maintaining a rigid lumbar spine. Work sets were 3 x 25 of strict , strong Dead lifts.
Followed by
3X 15 reverse hypers
Plank alternating foot on medicine ball 3@ x 30sec
Shopping for groceries today. Can sometimes be a little tricky here in Norway. I just do not have the same options as back home. I did come up with some good stuff today however. My list included 1 kg Brussels sprouts 2 red peppers 3 large zucchini 500 g of fresh green beans 3 red onions 500g of asparagus 2 kg sweet potatoes artichokes 1 kg tomatoes 1 avocado 2 sticks of broccoli 1 cauliflower Fresh mushrooms 1 large Eggplant 2 large cucumbers 2 cartons of Kidney bean 3 apples 2 kg oranges 36 eggs 4 salmon fillets 2 kgs of Chicken breast Peanut butter , love the stuff. Tortilla's probably the only starches I will consume on a regular basis. I have a thing for breakfast burritos.
So for lunch I cooked 5 chicken breasts in the oven. Because I like to cook enough food for a couple days. Saves time that way I always have good healthy food available. I will never get caught with out food and be forced to eat shit food. I can take the extras to work, or have the left overs as a quick snack. I also had a great artichoke,zucchini and green bean salad with the chicken. I think about 1 cup of each ,maybe a little more of zucchini. Saute the vegetables in olive oil for a few minutes add a little salt and oregano for flavor and eat with the chicken. Delicious! For breakfast I went with a protein shake. Classic chocolate protein powder mixed in the blender with 1/4 cup oatmeal ,a handful of blueberries and a little peanut butter. My favorite shake. Dinner:: Two left over chicken breasts , 2 oranges, 1 apple and 1 pear. This was more like a continuous dining experience that lasted for an hour. While I was working I just kept eating away. I was very hungry when I got off from work believe it or not so I cooked up four eggs ( 2 whole,2 white) with a little salsa.
for time; 1 chin up the 1st minute, 2 front squat - 135#/95# the 2nd minute, 3 chin ups the 3rd minute, 4 front squat - 135#/95# the 4th minute,5chip ups the 5th minute, 6 front squats - 135#/95# the 6th minute ...for as many minutes (take bar from rack each time; Chin ups are with supine hands , chin breaks vertical on chin ups)
I ended up with 14 mins plus 12 chin ups. Legs felt so strong today . The weight felt so light. The chin ups on the other hand were something of an issue. After 11 mins I could only chip away at the count two or three at a time. I really thought I would have made 20 mins on this ladder. I have to get stronger on chin ups and pull ups. I really liked this workout , short, fast and intense.
2,2,2,2,2, of Push Jerk 95 kg, 100 kg, 105 kg, 110 kg 115 kg, Amrap in 10 min of 5 Handstand push ups 10 box jumps 15 Back Extensions
I ended up with 8 rounds plus 9 Back extensions, The hspu and box jumps were easy. The back extensions were the real issue here. The back extensions are a weakness that I will continue to work on. I loved the push jerks today. I did feel really strong. I think I could have done more weight but the gym I have to train at is not really the kind of place you can dump heavy weight from above your head if you miss . So I did not want to press my luck.
Core class tonight Movement prep :: Hip crossover Scorpion Calf stretch Lunge w/twist inverted hamstring
Physioball routine:: T's Russian twist L's Glute bridge march on ball
5 rounds of knees to elbows 10 Physio Ball Pikes 10
Todays food:: Breakfast 6 eggs (2 whole, 4 whites =28g protein) scrambled with 1 tomato diced, 15 almonds and two oranges Post work out fuel , protein shake ( about 30g protein) Lunch 6 oz beef tenderloin , brocoli and cauliflower salad two cups of each steamed. A handfull of almonds Snack 1 apple, 1 orange, 100 g of 4% fat smoked ham delhi style. Dinner 6 oz baked chicken breast seasoned with lemon pepper and olive oil. Oven baked sweet potatoe chips, Asparagus and a handfull of mixed berries for dessert.
Today I went skiing for several hours. It felt great to be outside all day in the mountains of Norway getting some fresh air and good exercise with good friends. We all have different reasons why we eat healthy and why we exercise daily. Some of us want to look good, others want to feel good, many of us want to perform good. For many years now I have lived by this simple philosophy, If you look good you will feel good and if you feel good you will do good. I have friends who ask me what they have to do to get ripped. How long will it take to get ripped. I just want to be ripped they say . In addition to any nutrition or exercise advice I may be able share I am always trying to communicate with everyone that the way we look is a bi product of what we do and how we eat. What we do ! I know what we are supposed to do . I know we as humans are supposed to lift heavy stuff. I know we are designed to sprint. I also know that we don't have to do these things any longer , not with modern lifestyles and technology . We as humans don't have to bend over to put our shoes on correctly because someone has invented a little stick that you can place in the heel as you slide your shoe on to make it fit just right. We don't have to walk up stairs because we have elevators and escalators . We no longer have to sprint to catch our food or scavenge because we have cars and supermarkets and restaurants that will do it for us. Just because we no longer have to do these things doesn't mean we shouldn't. What we eat is becoming one of those topics like religion or politics that I am becoming more and more reluctant to talk about and share ideas about. What we eat is also something that I am really passionate about so I can and will talk forever about what I believe is right and wrong with anyone who will listen. I am not a hypocrite. I eat pizza and drink beer. I do try to keep these indulgences to a minimum. Because I want to look good , feel good and do good in all my physical capabilities. According to the Paleo experts , cave men did not eat beans because they are toxic in their natural state. However we now know that if you boil beans you can eliminate the toxins in beans leaving a very nutritious eating. Dairy products are another sensitive topic among food experts. Loaded with Calcium, vitamins A and B12, riboflavin, phosphorus, potassium, however we can get much more of these essential elements from green vegetables. I have encountered many people who tell me that dairy is not something that we as humans are supposed to consume. The debate comes in many different forms. I do know that if weight loss is something you are after the only thing you should drink is water and maybe a little green tea. Myself I drink milk everyday for many reasons. I eat cheese a couple times a week. Used to be a hell of allot more. Not sure exactly why I eat less cheese as I get older. I just do not enjoy it as much. Milk on the other hand I love. I do not drink as much milk as I used to but I still drink loads of the stuff always non fat milk. I lived and worked on a dairy farm in Sweden for several months consuming raw milk everyday. I love the way it tastes. I also love to perform at my best whether I am skiing , playing basketball , sprinting or lifting heavy weights. I want to try to live with out it for a little while to see how my body responds to this. Do you think milk is good or bad ? Post your thoughts to comments.
Push a 3,000 lb. 2006 Volvo station Wagon 75 meters. X 7 add 7 burpees at the end of every round. 2 min rest between rounds.
Holy S#$% , this kicked my ass. The burpees were not a problem, the last 20 meters pushing the car were a nightmare on my legs. The two minutes rest were just about right. I wanted to keep the rest ratio at 1:2 . I was definitely unsure how long It would take me push the car and complete 7 burpees. The first 4 rounds were around 54 secs. The 5th round was around 50 secs. I think it was the music. The 6th round I barely finished under 1 min. The 7th round my legs were mush and I think my time was 1min 7sec and I was so glad to have finished. The only problem today was I had to do this by myself. Extremely difficult to push the ca,r steer the car and stop the car alone. I think maybe my times would be better if I could have had someone pilot the car.
A. AMRAP sets of 5 unbroken bench press - 150#/90# in 3:00 rest EXACTLY 2 minutes B. AMRAP sets of 10 unbroken db walking lunges - 45#,30#/h in 3:20 rest EXACTLY 2 minutes C. AMRAP Sets of 15 unbroken back extensions in 3:40 rest EXACTLY 2 minutes D. AMRAP Sets of 20 unbroken double unders in 4:00
AMRAP = As Many Rounds As Possible
post total sets per letter to comments (i.e. A-12, B-12, C-12, D-15) weight must be racked after 5 reps for bench press db's must be dropped after 10 lunges hands at temples and elbows out for extensions you must stop skipping after 20 reps are achieved for DU's
A-10 , B-7, C-4,D-8
Umm yeah , I really thought I would be able to do more than this on every amrap set. I really had no Idea how many times I could do the bench press since I have not bench pressed since July last year. I suppose 10 is not bad but I had hoped to do more. I did not have a spotter during this lift and the last couple sets were scary . I almost couldn't get 5 but tried like hell until I got it up. The lunges I really liked, but I thought I would be able to get more. Thinking back now I should have moved faster during the lunges. That would have helped get one more set at least. The back extensions were brutal. My lower back was on fire from the get go. I am trying to do more of these everyday to get stronger and better endurance. I will continue to do so. On the double unders I had a complete and total mental breakdown. I tripped on the first set and second before I could get 20. I became so angry with my lack of concentration on a skill that I love , that I couldn't get focused. I finally managed a couple of sets before I tripped again and again. I wasted so much time off the clock. Either way I think that this style of amrap set workout with double unders will improve my max reps for double unders. I will work on this and change it some here and there.
Breakfast:: 1/2 cup oatmeal with Blueberries and peanut butter. Washed it down with a protein shake. * I was out of eggs this morning* Lunch:: 5 oz of baked salmon with Zucchini , Cauliflower, Tomato, red bean salad. I used 1 cup of zucchini , 2 cups cauliflower steamed, I added 1 whole chopped tomato with 1/4 cup red beans. Little salt for flavor. Umm so good. Snack:: 1 oz of beef jerky with one apple Dinner :: Beef tenderloin and Asparagus Snack:: Protein shake with Blueberries
"Air Force WOD" For time: 20 Thrusters 20 Sumo Dead-lift High Pulls 20 Push Jerks 20 Overhead Squats 20 Front Squats
Weight is 98/63 pounds.
At the top of every minute, including the start of the workout, you must perform 4 legit burpees. You then have the rest of the minute to get in as many reps as possible of each exercise, in the order listed. You can't move on to the next exercise until the one you're on is completed.
If you are in the middle of a rep when the buzzer goes off, complete that, and only that rep before dropping down for the required 4 burpees.
My time was 4:27
I am really happy with this time and this WOD. This workout really suits me. All of these lifts are my favorites. Don't get me wrong this WOD absolutely pummeled me. I laid on the floor for at least 10 minutes after finishing just trying to focus on getting my lungs to stop burning and to not throw up on myself. This was the first WOD in the Crossfit Mid Western Sectionals. I think I might try the Second WOD later this week or next. You can see the results of the competition so far at www.scores2010.crossfit.com Great WoD felt great before and after. I think last night was the first night I got some real sleep since the Superbowl .
Superpowers :: Neutralizing free radicals (molecules that accelerate the aging process)
Secret weapons :: Vitamins including A, C, and K; folate; beta-carotene; minerals including calcium and magnesium; fiber
Fight against :: Cancer, heart disease, stroke, obesity, osteoporosis
Sidekicks :: Cruciferous vegetables( the cabbage family) like broccoli and brussels sprouts; green, yellow, red, and orange vegetables such as asparagus, peppers, and yellow beans
Impostors :: None, as long as you don't fry them or smother them in fatty cheese sauces
I usually eat spinach in the morning cooked with my scrambled eggs. However I have been known to make a salad or two. 1 cup of Red Bell peppers has twice as much vitamin C as one orange. Broccoli goes great with every meal, not bad as a snack either.
Breakfast:: 2 whole eggs w/ 4 egg whites scrambled, 1 apple ,1 orange, and about 20 almonds Lunch:; 125 g of smoked salmon with avocado and a pear Snack:: 100 g 4% fat smoked ham with a slice of non fat cheese 1 apple hand full of blue berries and about 15 almonds.
Dr. Izumi Tabata published research that demonstrated that this interval protocol produced remarkable increases in both anaerobic and aerobic capacity.
Set the treadmill at 15% incline crank the speed up to a pace you could hold for about 1 min and get to work. Really incredible , I felt like I was breathing fire.
My time for the first met-con was 10:12 . I didn't have a problem with the snatches. The L Pull ups were a different matter all together. Significantly harder than regular pull ups. I think I will definitely start performing a few of these in my warm ups from now on.
Nutrition:: Power Pancakes 1/2 cup oatmeal, 1 1/2 cup whole wheat flower, 1/2 cup protein powder, 3 cups non-fat milk, 8 egg whites, 1 tablespoon peanut butter,1 tablespoon olive oil. Makes about 15 thin pancakes. Cook some blueberries to add to the top of each cake. About three of these and I am stuffed Lunch; I had left over pork fillet from last nights dinner. With broccoli and cauliflower and sweet potatoes. Dinner; I will have 5 oz of baked Salmon with asparagus. Home made merlot butter to taste
10 X 100 meter sprint 36 secs rest 8 X 80 meter sprint 28 secs rest 6 X 60 meter sprint 21 secs rest 4 X 40 meter sprint 16 secs rest One of my all time favorite cardio workouts. I definitely hate to run anything more than a 5k. I just can not stand it. So I usually focus on running as hard and as fast as possible and vary the distances and rest times to target the different energy pathways. Overall the sprints felt great . My legs carried me pretty well today. Lungs felt great.
All this after skiing for 5 hours. Great day
Thursday night core class :: 50 Turkish Get Ups followed by plank roll on physio ball 8 reps X 3
Breakfast:: 1/2 cup oatmeal , 20 or so raisens and a spoonful of peanut butter in the oatmeal with 4 eggs scrambled ( 2 whole eggs and 2 egg whites).
Snack:: While skiing I ate an orange and some beef jerky.
Originally the plan was to work up to a 3 RM over 6 sets. I spent a good twenty minutes doing a variety of dynamic movements to warm up. I spent 6 min on a stationary bike to get the blood into the legs. I spent another twenty minutes warming up with low weight and low reps of the Back squat. I finally put some heavy weight on the bar and it did not feel good. The weight definitely felt heavy and I felt slow. I decided to listen to my body and back off today. It is obvious to me that I am not getting enough rest and most likely my diet is a little out of control. Staying up late the other day to watch the superbowl was amazing but I don't think I have fully recovered from this lack of sleep. Doesn't help much that I am staying up several hours later each night because I am reading a damn good book and I just cant seem to put it down. No matter how tired I am. As far as the diet I can definitely recall a few snacks or meals that I should not have had for optimal performance. Rest is the issue here.
Beans and other Legumes :: soybeans, chickpeas, pinto beans, navy beans, kidney beans, lima beans)
Superpowers :: Building muscle, There are nearly 15 grams of protein in a cup of beans depending on the variety. Soy beans have nearly double the amount of protein in one cup. Helping burn fat, beans with their soluble fiber and low glycemic index help to slow the rise in blood sugar after a meal. Thus preventing insulin production and keeping the body fueled by the most nutritious source, stored body fat. The low glycemic index keeps hunger at bay after eating.
Secret weapons :: Fiber, protein, please read above one more time. Iron, a deficiency of iron limits oxygen delivery to cells, resulting in fatigue, poor work performance, and decreased immunity Folate is a water-soluble B vitamin that occurs naturally in food. A micro-nutrient used for cell repair and production for example, repair damaged muscles after high intensity exercise or build muscle mass. Folate also helps prevent changes to cells that may lead to cancer.
Fight against :: Obesity, colon cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure. Basic beans can supply a load of chronic disease fighting benefits
Impostors :: Refried beans, which are high in saturated fats; baked beans, which are high in sugar
I usually eat beans in the morning. Very simply I add a 1/2 cup of beans or so to my eggs , a little spinach some Olive oil , plus some salsa for extra flavor and I have a really well balanced meal. A healthy ratio of macro nutrients - carbohydrates, protein, fat ( glucose, amino acids and fatty acids) leaving me feeling full and satisfied for several hours. Most days I will eat a little less for lunch because I am still feeling full and satisfied after breakfast. Also I can make this meal in under ten minutes simply add ingredients to pan and stir on medium heat until you are satisfied with the texture of the eggs, add salsa and enjoy.
The Superbowl was fantastic to watch last night. I have not watched a football game since just before I left America in September. The game started here in Norway at 12 25 am. Of coarse I stayed up to watch it. I even managed to drink way too much. The night ended for me sometime around 4 in the morning I think. This morning came around way to fast. I did feel a little hung over. I definitely did not feel like getting a workout in. However I needed some conditioning at least to help metabolize the alcohol still in my body. I feel so much better. Today is such a bright sunny day and the slopes are calling for me. So I think I will ski the rest of the afternoon away.
When I read about this workout, when it was posted on crossfit.com , there were a couple of high scores posted along with it. Two guys I have never met before and have a little idea of who they are respectively scored 359 and 357 with a 20# vest on. So I strapped my Vest on and with a goal to shoot for went full tilt boogie for 18 minutes to see if I could beat their scores. I didn't really get close but that is not the point. The point is I was totally unaware of my true potential for this Workout. So I picked a goal , a score set by two very good athletes that I have never met and tried to beat that. A specific competitive goal can really change your focus and motivation and jump start your workout routine.
15 Muscle ups 20 Wall balls (10kg ball) 10 Muscle ups 40 Wall balls (10kg ball) 5 Muscle up 60 Wall balls (10kg ball) For a time 16: 48
This just blew me away .The first 15 muscle ups took me 6 minutes to complete. I really need to work on Muscle ups more to get better at them. However the only place I have found to hang my rings is outside. Today was -12 C and that was warm. The wall balls were ok until about halfway through the set of 60 my accuracy just went to shit . I was always catching the ball off balance. A couple of times I hit the bottom of my neighbors porch and the ball returned promptly to hit my in the head. That is when I finally broke set. Somewhere around 38. After that I just chipped away at the count until I finished. I had also left the ball , which is just a basketball filled with sand and patched up with a tire patch , in the car for two days. So today I felt like I was doing wall balls with an ice block. Over all today was sunny and semi warm. When you are used to -25 to -30 C , -12 is nothing. I had a nice workout outside , fresh air and mt views. I will keep working on those Muscle ups.
For Lunch today I had 200 g of smoked salmon with avocado one apple and one orange. Dinner was about 6 oz of grilled chicken breast with fresh green peppers , black beans and garlic. Snack before bed just a smoothie with some strawberry protein powder , frozen berries and a little bit of milk. Ok and a spoonful of peanut butter. I just love that stuff.
Super powers : Building muscle, fighting food cravings. An ounce and a half of Almonds has nearly 8 grams of protein. Not bad for something that is all ready to eat. Studies have shown that people who eat Almonds in moderation have a decreased appetite.
Secret weapons :: Protein, monounsaturated fats, vitamin E, folate , fiber, magnesium, phosphorus. All of which Fight against Obesity, heart disease, muscle loss, wrinkles, cancer, high blood pressure. They can help keep the arteries and veins clean so blood, oxygen, and nutrients can move throughout your body without a problem.
Sidekicks :: Pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds.
Impostors :: Salted or smoked nuts. High sodium spikes blood pressure.
I always take a some with me to work so I have something to eat as a snack. My favorite snack to eat between meals is Almonds, blueberries and low fat cottage cheese.
Push a 3,000 lb. 2006 Volvo station Wagon 45 yds. X 10 with 1 min rest between rounds
Some of the best, most elite Athletes on the planet have trained with a Prowler at some point in their respective careers. I have read countless articles in fitness magazines about Collegiate and or Pro Athletes across the globe using the prowler in their off seasons to gain lean muscle mass and develop god like speed, strength and endurance in their legs, hips and arms .
What is a Prowler?
Basically a big sled that you can add weight to for pushing and or pulling around any flat open space that you have.
Like most of you , I don't have access to this style of training equipment. So I got a little creative and decided to push my car. I was able to keep my times between 24 and 27 sec. I felt the fatigue in my legs set in almost instantly in round 3 or 4 . The rest was a battle of attrition. With two rounds to go I was mumbling to my self what the hell am I doing this for. Emma, my girlfriend bless her heart , the one behind the wheel steering the car heard my ranting and reminded me what this was all for . "To feel good" she said through the driver side window. To feel Great. So we can play a game of Basketball with our friends and not get tired. When we climb two flights of stairs and we don't get winded or tired . So we can work 10 or 12 hours if we have to and we don't get tired and we can maintain a great attitude through out the whole day and when it is over we still have enough energy to go to the gym and workout. So we can compete in Races like the DeathRace youmaydie.com or the Warriordash warriordash.com and we wont be the ones not finishing the race. To feel great no matter what we do in life.
Right now I am training 3 days on 1 day off. That is a typical cycle for me. I am going to start pushing my car once every other cycle until I can get my time below 20 secs and keep it there.
Abs prevent aches and pains. A strong stomach absorbs stress and strain from physical activity , saving your joints and keeping you injury free. On Thursday nights I am teaching a Core strength class at the local gym Spenst here in Trysil Norway.
Tonight's class 5 min movement prep Hip Crossover Calf stretch Hand walk aka Inch worm Forward lunge/forearm to instep Backward lunge with a twist
3 rounds of 5 minutes of work. 1 min for each exercise 1 min Hollow Rock 1 min Physio ball Back Extensions 1 min Bicycle 1 min Physio ball reverse hyper 1 min butterfly sit ups 1 min rest Repeat
Today's food
Breakfast: 2 whole eggs 4 egg whites scrambled with 1/2 cup of spinach and 1 cup of red kidney beans and topped with a 1/4 cup of Salsa and 1/4 of an avocado
Lunch: 6oz of chicken breast stir fried with 1 cup of red bell peppers and 1 cup of red onion . A little salt , Tabasco, and avocado. Wrapped up in two 8 inch flower tortillas. A cup of Red bell peppers has twice as much vitamin C as an orange. Red bell peppers are also a significant source of beta carotene.
Snack: 1 1/2 oz of low fat cheese 12 Almonds and an Apple
Dinner: Tiki Marsala 6 oz of Chicken breast. One Glass of red wine.
5 Rounds of 70 kg Thrusters 7 16 kg Weighted Pull ups 7 followed by 2 min max rep Double Unders
This workout felt great. I really felt strong today. Probably should have used more weight for the Pull ups. I did not break a single set in each round. I did not have my watch with me today so I can only guess at the time . I think about 14 minutes.
Rest 10 min
Spent 10 minutes working on different skills with the jump rope. Basically warming up for the max rep Dbl Unders.
2 min max rep Double Unders 174
I am really happy with this total because I did this a couple months back and only managed 120 something. I had a friend at the gym keep the time and countdown verbally for me. At the 1 min mark I was up to 110 dbl unders. At this point I really thought I could get 200 in two minutes. however I started strategizing instead of focusing on the rhythm and I tripped at 123. I spent some precious time in frustration trying to get my rhythm back. Stumbling again at 131 and 135 , finally managing a decent rhythm again I kept a good pace until five secs out I tripped again and just could not get the rope up again. While I am really happy with this new PR I am a little disappointed only in myself for not staying focused and getting an even higher PR. I know I can get 200 in 2 mins. If you do not have a jump rope in my opinion you need to buy one asap . The jump rope is a must have piece of exercise equipment. Very inexpensive and portable. I keep mine in my gym bag and it takes up almost no space at all. When I have traveled abroad my jump rope came with me. Allowing me easy access to an efficient workout . A real dependable Low impact tool for developing Cardiovascular Endurance , balance, agility and coordination. Jumping rope can be allot of fun as well.
Today's food For breakfast this morning I had 2 whole eggs and 4 egg whites scrambled with a 1/2 cup of spinach. I put a couple spoonfuls of salsa on top of this. I also had one large orange and one apple and 20 almonds.
Post workout protein shake about 30 g protein.
Mid afternoon snack of 120 grams of smoked Turkey Delhi meat with two Apples.
Dinner tonight Moose Steak with boiled potatoes , a very Swedish dinner.
3 rounds for time: 20 DB squat cleans (16 kg DBs) 40 pushups 400 m treadmill hill run (15% grade) 10 burpee penalty any time you break up the run
Time 22 min 50 sec
I have been avoiding this workout for months. The creator labeled this WOD as one of the toughest workouts and he is one of the toughest individuals I have ever met. This morning however I felt really motivated , maybe it was the breakfast. The first round was easier than I had psyched myself up for. Finishing the first 400 m in less than four minutes. There was never any rest for my legs after that. The third round was horrible. Legs toast , lungs burning, out of my mind painful. Cleans and Pushups not a problem , only in the third round did I break sets of the cleans.
Breakfast 1/2 cup Oatmeal , about 30 raisins and two Tablespoons of Peanut butter. Washed it all down with 8 oz of milk and protein powder.
I am more of an Egg eater when it comes to breakfast however I do appreciate the energy boosting superpower of oatmeal. I usually eat oatmeal and peanut butter for breakfast a couple times a week.