I live in a small ski town in Norway . There is but one place to train with weights and their hours of operations do not always work well with my schedule. There are times like today when I can not go to the gym to train and so I must look for other ways to get in a workout. I am lucky enough to live in a mountain town or on a mountain I should say. So I have plenty of steep hills to run. I much prefer to run shorter distances as fast as possible rather than just go out for a run for 5 or 10k.
About five years ago I came across an article about weight loss. I can not remember many specifics of the article I can only remember the parts that impressed me the most. The focus of the article was how to burn fat , loose weight. The title was the button that nobody uses or something like that. The feature of the article was Jerry Rice. Jerry Rice is a house hold name in the United States. An amazing athlete most famous for his accomplishments in the sport of football . A record setting, championship winning legend. The article boasted about Jerry's training in the off season. He had a trail that he liked to run that was 2.5 miles up hill. There were references to team mates who would attempt to run with him or at least keep up with him on the run and would end up vomiting. So they say if you want to look like an amazing athlete then train like one.
The button that nobody uses was the incline button on the treadmill. I have seen plenty of people running on a treadmill in the gym going full tilt boogie. But the incline is at zero. The benefits are far greater to crank up the incline and see how fast you can run then. I have tried it plenty of times and the results are always the same . A very intense training session. See " Cleans in a Corner " my first post. Not everyone is blessed to live on a mountain or the sunny hills of the bay area in California. But most everyone has access to a treadmill. I am not one to advocate the use of a treadmill but you have to do what you have to do.
In my situation I can just pop out my door and run up the hill. I have an immediate 450 meter incline at my disposal. Which is just perfect for me. The temperature is not always ideal , but you know how they say. There is no such thing as bad weather you are just not dressed properly. So I strapped on my mössa and braved the cold. The workout was 5 X 450 meter hill sprints. As I have mentioned before we have had some amazing warm weather here in Trysil lately so the workout today , very exhausting but amazing none the less. The temp was around -5 C.
For the run I managed to keep my times around 1 min 30 secs. The last one was 1min 41 though. This hill has a very steep incline in the beginning and goes to a soft incline to another steep but consistent incline to really steep at the last 30 meters or so . Strategically I tried to start out around 70% and end at 110%. This worked well for me to have enough juice to get to the top at a good pace. The first three felt great , the last two kicked my ass. My legs were toast. My rest periods were pretty much rest as needed. This hill is covered in ice so I had to take my time getting down . I did fall once. ;-) so I took my time getting to the bottom . This took me about 5 mins to get down. When I reached the bottom I immediately started to sprint back up the hill. I felt great during the workout, and I felt great energy after the workout. These kind of medium distance sprint workouts always give me a ton of energy after. If you have not tried it yet , you should.
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