Eggs or (Ägg in swedish) are a nutrient dense super food. An excellent source for protein, vitamins and minerals. Valuable for growth, development, brain function, building muscle and repairing damaged tissue. An Egg has between 5 and 7 grams of protein. About 3 in the white and 3 in the yolk or yellow. The yolk provides 15 important vitamins( A, B12) and minerals but also provides a significant amount of fat and cholesterol.
The Fat in an egg is mostly unsaturated fats, a most efficient raw material source for energy supplying more than twice the energy than carbohydrates. Unsaturated fats also play an important role in slowing down the entry rate of carbohydrates into the blood stream just like Fiber. This is a crucial role for preventing to much sugar in the blood stream which will promote insulin production which in return forces the body to go into store mode and essentially stores all the left over sugar in your body in the adipose(fat) tissues. Not a good thing. Unsaturated fats are also responsible for the release of beneficial hormones from the stomach that tells the brain you are full and satisfied so you should stop eating.
I know that we have all heard about cholesterol and how bad it is for you. With out getting into to much of a rant about good and bad cholesterol. I just want to say that humans need cholesterol to survive. I am sure that is the main reason why the body produces so much of the stuff on its own. And like everything else in nature to much of anything is bad news. It is all about balance and harmony. So yes there is quite allot of dietary cholesterol in an egg yolk. Which is why I will only allow myself two whole eggs . This keeps me right at the RDA for dietary cholesterol while still getting a significant amount of the other important nutrients from the yolk. I know that the egg white is virtually all protein, vitamins and minerals with zero fat or cholesterol, so I will eat 4 egg whites and 2 whole eggs about 4 or 5 times in a week. Why not just eat the whites? Like any other food with out fat , it just doesn't taste as good.
My favorite time to eat eggs, as I am sure it is with the rest of the world is in the morning for breakfast. Easily my favorite meal of the day. It is so easy to chop any vegetable and fry it a min or two and then add some eggs cook for a little while and eat. The recipe can change every day with the vegetable choice. The choices are endless.
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