I spent four hours this morning on the slopes. I feel great. Today was an amazing day. Skiing with the sun in my face for hours. I never wanted to stop. Total rejuvenation.
Core class tonight
Movement Prep:
Hip Cross over
Calf Stretch
Hand walk
Forward lunge/ forearm to instep
Super set:
Swiss ball push ups
Swiss ball lateral roll
Super set:
Overhead lunges
Lying figure 8's
Glute Bridge March
Isometric Group Push up Hold for 30 secs.
Today's food
I cant say that I had a really good day as far as nutrition goes. Breakfast was fast and convenient considering I wanted to be skiing before 9 am. So I went with a bowl of oatmeal (1/4 cup) , 1 cup of raspberries,blue and black berries and a little peanut butter. I washed this down with a little chocolate protein powder and water, about 25 g of protein.
My friend and I skied until 11:30 . At this point I was starving and stuck on the mountain in Norway my only options were hamburgers or hot dogs. I decided to go with the hot dog, a double actually. Double the meat not the bread. Not a preferred snack or meal but I needed food and that was all there was to it. We skied for a few more hours and then called it a day. I had a quick snack at the house. A few macadamia nuts , a couple apples and some Delhi meat. For a late lunch or early dinner I suppose you can call it, I ate out. i had a nice moose steak with potatoes and carrots with a cream sauce. The meat was amazing, the potatoes were no doubt full of butter and well lets just say that cream sauce is probably not good either. But I cleaned the plate anyway. Tasted so good I went for dessert and had a nice chocolate something or other for dessert. Dessert is something I usually will avoid. Total breakdown today I suppose. I really don't feel bad for it either. Tomorrow is a new day. Tonight however my wonderful girlfriend has brought home some ribs and potatoes. I will enjoy this dinner.
Planning on going skiing tomorrow again. Looking forward to it.
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