Spring has arrived here in Trysil Norway. We have had plenty of sun and warm temperatures lately. By warm I mean in the 30's When you are used to sub zero temps. All of a sudden 30 degrees is warm. I am really excited to train outside. I prefer to train outside as much as possible. I have been really fortunate in the past to have been a member of such clubs that would let me drag weight outside so I could train in the fresh air and warm sun. I much prefer it to being inside.
Today I wanted to work on Muscle ups and since the only place I have to hang my rings is outside this was a perfect opportunity.
Today's WOD
Amrap 20 min
10 Muscle ups
200 meter sand bag sprint w/ 25 kgs
I ended up with 4 rounds plus 5 muscle ups.
The run was ok. Legs felt strong. I had plenty of wind. The sand bag was actually just a bag that I put my weighted vest (10kg) in and my sand filled basketball (13kg) and my nalgene water bottle. Maybe not quite 25 kgs but close. My times were around 50 secs consistently. The coarse was slightly down hill on the way out and slightly up hill on the way back . This slight incline made the runs a bit harder , but the sun was in my face for the return portion so I hardly noticed.
The muscle ups were the real kicker here. The first 10 went real fast. After that I could only do one at a time until I reached the prescribed number. I had several miss attempts that made me think twice about attempting again with out enough rest. This was enough to slow me down considerable. Either way I am happy. This was a fun workout , not to difficult , not to intense and I got to be outside in the sun for a half hour. Great day.
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