This last week off was fantastic for me physically and mentally. I really enjoyed getting out side nearly everyday, skiing with friends. Skiing with the sun rise was a fantastic experience that I will never forget and hope to try again soon. We even went night skiing which was as equally mentally refreshing as the early ski. I have about 6 weeks left for the season here in Norway and this last week was great for me to get refreshed mentally and physically.
Winter is over here in Norway. Spring is upon us and with it plenty of sun, warm temperatures and lots of celebrating, drinking loads of alcohol. I did manage to drink more than what I should have. For some , you may only get one chance to work and be festive in another country such as Norway. I don't want any opportunity to slip away from me.
To get back into things I wanted to start kind of light. So I went with Dead lifts.
3X 25 of strict, strong dead lifts. Focusing on strict form maintaining a rigid lumbar spine.
Cash out
5 rounds for a time of:
30 double unders
15 clapping push ups
I finished in 6:29
The double unders were easy but proved to be not enough rest between the push ups. I completed every set of the double unders unbroken, easily under 20 secs. The Clapping push ups were the real issue here. I managed to do 15 in the first and second sets. Though I quickly reached failure in the second set and had to chip away at the count four or five at a time in the last three sets. I tried to push myself pretty hard but I may have rested a little too long in the last three sets of clapping push ups. I was not sure how fast I could have finished this work out in the beginning. Looking back now I think I could definitely finish in under 6 minutes.
Thursday night Core Class:
Movement prep:
Hip Crossover 6@
Forward lunge w/twist 6@
Inchworm 6
Physio ball routine:
Physio ball push up 10
Physio ball glute bridge march 5@
Repeat twice more
Physio ball Sit ups
Physio ball Leg raises 15-12-9
Physio ball Exchange
Side lying leg raises 9-12-15
Perform 15 of each of the P.B. exercises . 15 P.B. Sit ups( hold the ball in your hands above your head and sit up), 15 P.B. leg raises( Hold the ball between your feet and raise your legs to vertical), 15 Exchanges( pass the ball from feet to hands) . Then 9 @ side lying leg raises. 12 of each of the P.B. exercises and 12 @ side lying leg raises. 9 of each of the P.B. exercises and 15@ side lying leg raises.
Rest a couple minutes
Isometric group push up x 30 secs. Getting better at this as a class.
I am excited about this next week. I have a few pretty cool workouts planned for this week. Since the weather is so nice I want to take advantage of this and train outside as much as possible. I even have a few people who have made plans to train with me. That is great I really hate working out by my self all the time. I am pretty happy right now. Life is good.
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