A gasser is a sprint from one sideline of a football field to the other and back and again to the other side and back. From sideline to sideline on a football field is 53 meters. So a full gasser is a 212 meters sprint.
Today after work I jogged up to a park by my apt with my rings, my jump rope and heart full of ambition.
After a good warm up I started off with 5 rounds of full gassers. The first three were pretty good. The last two my legs were not responding as I wanted them to. My times for each were 40 secs, 42 secs, 43 secs, 43 secs and 43 secs. I was pretty happy to keep each one below 45 secs. The rest ratio was 1:3 on these.
After a couple of minutes to catch my breath I got started on the second part of this workout. During my warm up I set my rings up in a tree in the park. The second half went like this
50 double unders
25 ring dips
40 double unders
20 rings dips
30 double unders
15 ring dips
20 double unders
10 ring dips
10 double unders
5 ring dips
I finished in 7 mins 40 secs. The double unders were pretty easy. Each set unbroken. The ring dips got me on round two. The first set was unbroken and felt good. The second set I made it to 17. I thought I would be able to get them all unbroken. But on 18 I just failed. It was pretty close through every set after that. I hit failure with just a couple of reps left.
For core work I did 5 rounds of 10 V sit ups coupled with 30 secs supermans. All of this work felt pretty good.
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