Today the weather was sunny, warm and zero wind. I called a friend to see if he wanted to hike a local mountain with me. About 3 miles puts you on the top with amazing views of Longs Peak in Rocky Mountain National Park in the North. Greys and Torreys Peaks dominating the western landscape and Pikes to the south. On the summit we had zero wind, clear skies and breathtaking views.
After the first mile I was feeling pretty loose and I had tons of energy. I felt like doing more than just hiking so I started to do push ups when we stopped for water or to check out the boulders on the way. I rattled off as many pull ups as I could when ever I found a tree branch low enough to grab on to. Towards the summit I would pick out markers in the distance and try sprinting to them. On the summit I was doing handstand push ups on a boulder and L sits between smaller boulders. I tried to get in some TGU's but the ground was not giving me the opportunity. Great day and a great hike. The world is my playground.
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