I have been out climbing with friends four days this week. Some fun easy climbing and some hard powerful climbing. I am pretty wrecked physically. My body is sore in the strangest places. I definitely need a rest day from climbing. I still felt like going to the gym and training today. I called up a friend that I new would be interested in doing some strength training.
We did strict press x1 push press x3 push jerk x5 and we repeated this five times with 3 min rest between sets.
I went with 155 lbs for this session. This weight was about right for the strict press. I was shooting for %85 of my 1 RM in the strict press for this session. I would have like to use 165, but I did not have the strength today.
We would perform one strict press then immediately do three push presses and then five push jerks with out putting the weight down. 155 lbs felt great for all five rounds. I would have liked to use more but I suppose I am just really tired from all the climbing lately.
After the presses we moved along to the row machine for a quick met-con. We decided to go with Tabata Rows. Which is 20 secs work and 10 secs rest x 8. So basically on the row machine we would sprint for 20 secs and rest for 10 secs repeating 8 times. Amazing effort if anyone has access to a rowing machine should try. We were going to set the computer to total meters but we couldn't figure how to stop the fly wheel from registering meters during the rest. We decided to go with calories instead. I think I did 64 total calories in the 8 rounds.
After the tabata rows we did an alternating tabata abs workout that I loved. We alternated toes to bar with butterfly sit ups. Exactly the same intervals as before on the rowing machine. 20 secs work and 10 secs rest x 8. We would do 20 secs of toes to bar and rest for 10 secs then 20 secs of sit ups then rest and back and forth doing four rounds for each exercise and a total of 8 rounds. On the toes to bar I did 8, 5, 7, and 8. on the sit ups I did 10 for each round.
Overall I had a great day today. I felt ok with the presses and I felt great on the rowing machine and I really loved the alternating tabata abs session.
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