So today I felt really good in the lower back area. I figured I would have a go at a Crossfit wod titled Grace. I have never actually done this before and I was really curious where I would finish. Especially since I have not performed any power cleans since November of last year.
Grace is 30 repetitions of ground to over head with 135 lbs. I have only done a wod similar to this on November 1st of Last year during the Scandinavian crossfit challenge I participated in in Halmstad Sweeden. During this competition each competitor had to perform 50 double unders and then 30 ground to over head with same weight ( 135 lbs) and then 50 more double unders. I finished this wod during the games in 4 min 45 seconds. At the time I thought my time was not very good. As it turned out it was good enough to give me second place in this event. The winner beat me by a full minute. Stud!
Anyway I warmed up on the rowing machine doing 2000 meters in about 9 mins. Went through the Burgener warm up. Added some weight for a few quick sets of five then I got after it.
My time was 2 min and 23 secs.
I am really pleased with this time and a little more motivated. I am confident I can get this in under two minutes. The first ten felt great. I probably should have kept going. However I decided to put the weight down and rest for ten seconds. Should have made it five. Then the second set of ten were OK . One rep was a little sloppy at the top that made me step forward and back and then reset in the bottom that I felt lost momentum. This second set of ten gassed me. I paused for another 15 or 20 seconds before going again. I did a quick set of 6 and then 2 and 2 to finish.
Power cleans are my favorite Olympic lifts to perform. I love the feeling of cleaning heavier weight off the ground. I really enjoyed doing this wod Grace. This is my first time and I am confident that the next time I do this wod I will get it under 2 mins.
Shortly after I did a two minutes of as many toes to bar as possible. I finished with 36. Grip strength was the limiting factor here which was surprising to me considering how strong I have felt climbing lately.
I have had some other really cool workouts with some friends lately photos coming soon. For now I am off to Yosemite for four days of bad ass climbing.
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