After watching the world cup soccer game today I was extremely motivated. We are having such amazing weather here in Tahoe. I felt really guilty for spending the first part of the day inside watching the world cup finals. However after watching the celebrations it was worth the time spent.
My friend and I were eager to get outside and enjoy the day after the match. We came up with the plan to run Tabata sprints to Angora Lakes. 20 secs sprinting and 10 secs walking until we reached the Lake. The distance from the parking lot to the lake is not really that far however there is plenty of steep incline and elevation to make this a challenge. The best part of this workout session was that no matter where you were on the trail at the end of the 10 secs rest you still had to pick up and move your ass.
To me it was really amazing how fast the 10 secs rest went by compared to the 20 secs of sprints.
The total rounds to get to the lakes was 13. That is a little over four minutes of sprinting. Just before we left for Angora the original plan was to do tabata sprints to the lakes then go cliff jumping off of the many high cliffs surrounding the lakes. In the parking lot I noticed I had my gymnastic rings in the back seat. We decided to take them with us and work on doing muscle ups.
My friend Mike has never performed a muscle up before let alone see one done. So we worked on them for about thirty minutes. I just decided to do as many sets of 5 unbroken muscle ups as I could during this time. Not a very stressful workout. I finished with 7 sets of 5 unbroken muscle ups. After this I put what I believed to be a 15 lb. stone in my back pack and did a quick amrap of ring dips. I finished with 24. I really thought I was going to hit 30 but that was not the case.
We spent a few more minutes contemplating whether or not we should jump in the lake or not. Decided against it and trekked back to the car and headed home. The tabata sprints were amazing and when I reached the lake I felt like I was going to throw up my lunch for at least five minutes. The muscle ups are so much fun for me. I really love to do them. I just don't feel I do them enough. I will work on that. My goal for the rest of the summer is to be able to do 10 unbroken muscle ups. Tomorrow I am going climbing. So excited!
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