Workout of the Day
15 minute amrap of
5 sandbag clean and jerks (over a tree branch)
5 shuttle sprints ( 10 yrds down and back x5)
I think I finished with 8 rounds and 4 of SB clean and jerks over the tree branch. I lost count early and just rounded down. the weather was a little warmer today and the sun was out. All of the ice and snow has melted off of the sidewalks. The shuttle sprints were just ten yards down and back five times. A hundred yards total. I started to suck wind after the 4th. This made the sandbag c&j's harder.
The Sand bag has been sitting out in the snow and is now wet and a bit heavier. I found a tree in the park that had a low branch. The branch was just out of full reach. So in order to get the sandbag over the branch i really had to commit to throwing this bag up and over. Pretty much like a wall ball but not as high and a little more effort because of the weight of the sand bag.
The Shuttles definitely got me winded. The Sand bag c&j's were kind of a rest but not really.
I have really enjoyed being outside training besides the cold and the snow. Honestly I can't wait for the summer. This photo is my goal for the summer.
For core work I did six rounds of one minute plank hold variations with one minute rest between rounds. The first minute I held plank for one minute. After one minute rest I held plank for one minute with the left leg up. Rest one minute. Hold plank for one minute with the right arm up. Rest one minute. Hold plank for one minute with the right leg up. Rest one minute. Hold plank for one minute with the left arm up. Rest one minute. Hold Plank for one minute.
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