Today I went old school. Back to the old days of training for wrestling. Buddy carries, We used to carry each other up and down everything. Very grueling but super effective. So I invited a friend of mine over for some very evil buddy carries. The gut wrench, the fireman's carry, and the classic buddy carry on the back. It went something like this.
6 rounds of buddy carries up a rather steep hill about 40 meters, plus 5 2 for 1 burpees at the top and the bottom of the hill. 2 for 1 burpees are a regular burpee with an extra push up thrown in the mix. So you drop down to the ground do a push up, then down again and back up to finish the burpee. So
Round 1
5 2 for 1 burpees
Forward gut wrench carry 40 meters
5 2 for 1 burpees
Round 2
5 2 for 1 burpees
Backward gut wrench carry 40 meters
5 2 for 1 burpees
Round 3
5 2 for 1 burpees
Forward fireman's carry 40 meters
5 2 for 1 burpees
Round 4
5 2 for 1 burpees
Backward fireman's carry 40 meters
5 2 for 1 burpees
Round 5
5 2 for 1 burpees
Forward buddy carry 40 meters
5 2 for 1 burpees
Round 6
5 2 for 1 burpees
Backward buddy carry 40 meters
5 2 for 1 burpees
I finished in 14 min 21 secs. My friend Momo put in a good three rounds in 8 min 56 secs. He did an excellent job. We were both totally unprepared for how difficult this was actually going to be. The hardest part of this wod was walking backwards up a steep hill holding 85 kgs in your arms. This workout was primarily quad dominant with the burpees and the hill climbing. But walking backwards up the hill totally smoked my hamstrings and my ass. A perfect combination and a great training session with a good friend.
After some rest and water on my front porch we decided to take a few rounds climbing underneath the steps leading to the second floor apt. Climb up the steps and then back down. I posted a few photos of the gut wrench carry, the fireman carry and us goofing around on our neighbors steps.
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