I have been traveling allot lately and with that I have not had the Internet available to me. That is the main reason I have not been posting in the last couple weeks. I am back in the States now and I am in my home town of Carthage MO. I will be using some of the resources that were available to me when I was younger and training for wrestling. In addition I will be using many of the tools I have learned from Crossfit.
The last couple of training sessions have been really great. They went something like this.
10 gassers ( Sprint 50 meters one way and 50 meters back)
10 push ups
X 10
I had a very long travel day returning from Europe the previous day. Something like 17 hours of logged travel time. My body was in for a bit of shock when I attempted this workout. I just made sure that I spent a full 20 minutes getting a good warm up prior to this wod. This was just about enough for the day.
The following day I felt great and decided to get a little more in. I packed my rings and some water into a day bag and ran down to the high school football stadium to do some work in the bleachers. The wod went like this
2,000 meter run
12 minute amrap
broad jumps up the bleachers( skipping every other)
bear crawl down the bleachers
I finished with something like 13 rounds plus a full round of broad jumps
2,000 meter run home
While I was at the stadium I was planning on doing some work with my rings after the amrap. Then I noticed a large tractor tire sitting on the practice field. Obviously a tool the high school coaches use for their athletes. I decided I would save this for another day.
Going back to the high school I wanted to get some work done with that tractor tire. I brought my rings with me again and got to work. The wod looked something like this.
5 rounds for a time of
5 muscle ups
10 tire flips
I finished in just under 12 minutes.
During the muscle ups, the first three sets went unbroken. I was so happy with that. It wasnt until the fourth set on the 5th rep that I failed the muscle up. I was devastated. I really thought that I would be able to get 5 rounds unbroken. The fifth round wound up with me doing 3 and then 2.
I am progressively getting better and better at this skill. Which is strange to me considering I do not work on it as much as I really want to. Either way I was happy with this wod for sure. Everything felt great.
I feel really sore today and decided to take the day off and rest. I went down to a local farm supply store and purchased some really thick rope. About 15 meters. This gage of rope is a quite a bit more expensive than I had imagined. So I plan to put this to work in the next couple days. Really excited about it. Rope climbing is a fantastic upper body exercise.
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