I have been doing so much traveling lately. Now I am finally in one place again. I am really looking forward to getting back into my routine. Summer is not quite here in Sierra's but it is coming and soon. With summer, my priorities will change drastically. I am a rock climber first and foremost and an avid crossfiter second. If you would even consider me a crossfiter. I mean technically I have only trained at a crossfit box a couple of times.
What I mean by my priorities will change is simply that I will prefer to go climbing first and any specific crossfit training will come second if I have any energy left at all. You could argue that I will have more energy if I consistently crossfit, gaining in endurance, strength and recovery. I would agree with you. However, what I enjoy most about climbing is climbing and what is better than climbing? More climbing!
As of lately I have just started to get back into a routine of regularly training. My last couple of workouts have gone something like this
3 sets of 15 @ 80kgs still focusing on strict technique.
5 rounds for a time of
5 Push Press 154 lbs
30 double unders
I finished in 8 min 56 secs.
I have a close friend that has really dedicated his life to fitness in the last year. I have not seen him in 9 months. I can tell you that his fitness has dramatically improved. This guy is motivated and it is exciting. That is a great help to me. To be around someone who wants to get better in every way of his life. He has drastically changed the way he eats and is eager to learn more ways to improve.
Yesterday the weather was not perfect. A little cold and a little snowy. Like I said , summer is not quite here in the Sierra's yet, but this was my second day in Tahoe and I really wanted to go to the beach to get a workout in. And it was a great one. My friend mike was motivated and wanted to get in on the action.
10 rounds for a time of
10 gassers ( sprint 50 meters in the sand and back, 100 meters total)
50 meter bear crawls
My time was 20 min 32 seconds. Mike finished just behind me with a time of 21min 8 secs.
The major issue here was the altitude. I am now at 6,300 feet above sea level. I was at just a few hundred feet above sea level. This change is no joke. I came out in the beginning going pretty hard. Just the same pace I would give any work out of this kind. I totally gassed out on the fifth round. Literally just sitting in the sand completely finished. Or so I thought. Mike , thank god he was there. He came crawling by me and said to me " Come on man , we need to do 10 rnds". I did not appreciate it then but I do now. So I dragged my but up from the sand and got back to work.
I let this little negative thought creep into my head and it controlled me for a minute. I started to tell myself that this is good enough 5 rounds. Ya , we can call it a day. Like I said Mike is motivated and that helped me out so much. After finishing the w.o.d. I was so much happier and felt great. Like I just climbed this big mountain of defeat in my head. I pushed through it and I am truly greatful to have had a friend there to push me. We even snapped a couple of great photos.
I am really looking forward to tomorrow because we have a good one planned. Going primal!
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