A fellow Crossfit enthusiast and unsurpassed fitness guru Blair Morrison of Anywherefit, http://crossfitmobile.blogspot.com, has used a rope in his training for as long as I have been following him. I have always been amazed at how simple but effective this skill can be for developing a upper body strength and endurance. I have not however had access to such a tool. Until now!
A couple of days ago I made a trip to a local farm supply store and purchased about 30 ft of 1 1/2 inch rope. So I put together a little routine for this morning. The wod went something like this
5 rounds for a time of
Run 500 meters
15' rope climb
25 sit ups
I finished in 20 min and 47 seconds.
Originally I had thought I would do a 20 min amrap of the same cycle. So I set the clock up for 20 min and went to work. So technically I finished with four rounds plus a 500 m run and one rope climb just as time ran out. But I sat down and busted out the 25 sit ups to make it a five round workout. Honestly my intentions were just a 20 min workout. I thought that 5 rounds was possible in the beginning. And I still think that I should have finished with five rounds in under 20 min. But climbing the rope was more of a mental challenge than I had anticipated. So every time I finished the running I would stand under the rope procrastinating on the climb. Grip strength was an issue for me mentally. I lost precious time in the amrap by letting this mental doubt creep into my head.
Climbing the rope was way more taxing on my core than I would have ever guessed. Coupled with the sit ups I definitely felt the fatigue in my abs on the last rope climb. Overall I had a great time with this wod. I am really excited about the rope and I am really looking forward to adding this new skill to my training.
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