Workout of the Day
5 min of ground to shoulder w/ heavy stone
rest 5 min
3 min max double unders
rest 3 min
1 min wall climbs
go back to work
Today was a sunny and beautiful day . I cant really say that it was warm. A good day to be outside getting some fresh air and exercise though. I had to work a lunch shift and a dinner shift today. This workout took place on my break between my shifts. This turned out to be a really fun workout.
For the ground to shoulder work I went back to the stone that I have used in the past. I have never attempted to lift it past my chest before. I thought this would be challenging and it was. I chose to lift the stone to my thighs squat and reset then lift hard and fast to my shoulders. I alternated shoulders for each lift. I ended with 15 lifts in five minutes. The thing that slowed me down the most was the dead weight. I would have to pick it up out of the snow and maneuver the stone back into a lifting position. Still allot of fun. I can see how this type of work can build tremendous strength and power for athletes competing in MMA or grappling.
For the double unders I finished with 227 in 3 mins. I have never done a three minute amrap with double unders before so this is a new record for me I suppose. I did manage 136 with out stopping and that is a new personal best. My previous pr was 109 unbroken. I love doing double unders and I think I will try to get 200 unbroken soon.
The wall climbs are a new exercise I learned from the crossfit main site. Such a fun and effective exercise. I finished with 10 in one minute. Shoulders were blasted at 8, 9 and 10. Below is a video of some tough kids up in Canada doing the wall climbs. This was so much fun it almost did not feel like I was exercising. Needless to say I had tons of energy for work after.
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