Workout of the Day
21 L pull ups
Shuttle sprints 50 yds x4
18 L pull ups
Shuttle sprints 50 yds x4
15 L pull ups
Shuttle sprints 50 yds x4
12 L pull ups
Shuttle sprints 50 yds x4
9 L pull ups
Shuttle sprints 50 yds x4
6 L pull ups
Shuttle sprints 50 yds x4
3 L pull ups
Shuttle sprints 50 yds x4
This workout took place on the top level of a parking garage. No joke it was so sunny and warm outside. The top of the parking garage towers above all the other buildings close by so you have great views of the mountains and the plains. This parking garage is directly across the street from my work. On days like today when I only have an hour or so between my shifts I can just walk across the street and get a good workout in.
The pull ups I did on an I beam that covered the stairwell. Flat steel that made me work so much harder to hold on for the pull ups. The shuttle sprints were 50 yds down and back down and back. A great workout and a great day to be outside.
Yesterday I went to the climbing gym. They have a pretty good weight room. So I took advantage of the free weights.
I did Dead lifts 3 X 5 and shoulder press 3 x 5 . Working up to as heavy set as possible for a set of 5. After the shoulder press I did 5 rounds of max distance walking on my hands. Rest as needed. I did manage a couple of yds each time before toppling over. I am getting better at this skill. I would like to be able to walk much farther. With more practice I will be better.