The weather has drastically improved this last week here in Tahoe. Temperatures in the high 60's , with blue skies and the warmth of the sun. Perfect climbing weather. I have taken full advantage of this amazing weather.
This last week I have been packing as much climbing and hiking in as humanly possible. At least for me.
The sport of climbing requires an extraordinary amount of physical skill. Stamina, Strength, Flexibility, Power, Coordination, Accuracy, Agility, Balance are all required of you when you go out climbing. As well as the mental fortitude and confidence that comes from your success on the rock. As a result of all the climbing that I have been doing lately I am crazy sore. My whole body feels like I have been hit by a car. Everything is sore from my fingers to my toes. A rest day is definitely in order. Which I hate because I really want to go climbing. In the interest in productivity I should definitely rest for a day or two.
I have got a couple of workouts in in the last week. I finally had a go at a crossfit w.o.d. named "Annie" .
50-40-30-20-10 of double unders and sit ups for a time. My time was 6 min and 1 sec. I did not really push my self very hard in the beginning of this wod so I feel like I could definitely take a half minute off from this time. I managed every set of the double unders unbroken until the last set my shoes were untied and I broke set with just three to go. After this wod I did a quick set of Tabata push ups. 20 secs work with 10 secs rest X 8. My score on the push ups was 86.
I also had a really great work out at the middle school track here in South Lake Tahoe. I did four rounds of run 400 meters and 50 air squats for a time. My time was 15 mins 16 secs to run a mile and do 200 air squats. I am getting more and more acclimatized to the altitude. Feels pretty good. My times for the 400 meter runs were 1:20 , 1:29, 1:49, 1:49.
I am planning on spending a good amount of time the next day or two just laying around resting. That is the Idea anyway. I say it here now but it probably wont happen.
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